Don’t Miss Out This Fall – It’s the Best Time of the Year to Catch Redfish and Sea Trout!

As the cooler air makes its way to Charleston, people are starting to prepare for back to school and getting back to a set routine. Although most people think summertime is the best time for fishing charters in Charleston, SC, those of us who live here know that with fall comes some of the most exciting times to reel in some rare and awesome fish. If you are a redfish or sea trout lover, don’t let the next few months pass you by. Send the kids off to school and join us for an amazing catch of the day’s greatness!


Redfish get their name from their red color, and they are found in the Atlantic Ocean. They are a delicacy for those of us in the South who know how to prepare them Cajun-style or blackened. In fact, they are so tasty and highly sought after that they were nearly overfished and almost became extinct. As the “secret ingredient” for Iron Chef America competitors Cat Cora and Mourad Lahlou, they have a robust flavor devoid of any of the “fishiness” that can turn some fish eaters away. Although fishermen love to brag about the size of their catch, for the redfish, you want to try to catch one just under 15 pounds, or they can become rather tough.

Sea Trout

Sea trout are fascinating because they migrate from the ocean into freshwater to spawn. They are torpedo-shaped and have a long body with gray-green backs and white bellies. An adult can grow from 14 to 24 inches and weigh from five pounds to 40 pounds. The young fish stay in freshwater for nearly five years and then make their way to the ocean. They are very high in amino acids, which makes them a heart-healthy delicacy, and they have a delicate texture and mild flavor that makes them very versatile when cooking. Like the redfish, they do not tend to have a “fishy” flavor and are flaky, like catfish. Another reason that chefs like sea trout so much is that they can be frozen and still taste like you just caught it that day.

Other Reasons to Hire a Fishing Charter in Charleston This Fall

One of the biggest reasons to hire a fishing charter in Charleston this fall is that the temperature is just perfect for a day at sea. The sun isn’t as hot, but the wind is still calm enough to really get comfortable and enjoy the day. And if you have little ones who love fishing, then fall will be a great time for them to throw in a reel and catch something with very little effort – and that makes everyone happy.

With summer coming to an end, you might think that it is time to pack in the reel and rod and head back to work and school. But fall is actually one of the best times to fish the Atlantic Ocean off of Charleston Bay. If you want to have a fruitful day, freeze enough to make it through the winter, and catch a rare redfish, then fall is an excellent time to hit the waters. Contact Flatsbroke to reserve your date today before fall swims away!